by Dr. Kilcup | Feb 10, 2023 | Articles, covid-19, Fighting Infections, Functional Medicine, Healthy Living, Home Therapy, immunity, red light therapy (photobiomodulation)
Revitalize Your Immune System – A Functional Medicine Perspective How can you protect yourself from getting sick? Well, to revitalize your immune system from a functional medicine perspective, we first have to accept that exposure to pathogens is going to...
by Anjolie Flores | Sep 29, 2021 | dairy free, Diet, Food Sensitivities, Healthy Living, Home Therapy, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Recipes
For me, once Fall is here, I think that it is the perfect time for warm, delicious soup. Something about cold weather and good soup is meant to be together! I hope you and your family will enjoy this Healthy Butternut Squash Soup that is both dairy-free and...
by Dr. Kilcup | Aug 25, 2016 | Articles, Chiropractic, Home Therapy, Neck & Back Pain
Have you ever had something that you’ve wanted to do, know you needed to do, been really frustrated that you’ve not gotten it done, or may be even experienced pain and suffering because you didn’t do it? Yea well what you see here in this photo is...
by Dr. Kilcup | Aug 16, 2016 | Anxiety, Articles, Cardiovascular Disease, Depression, Diabetes, Home Therapy, Hormone Imbalances, Hypertension, Insomnia, Videos
Natural melatonin is a hormone your body makes that helps you sleep and relax. However, there are things we do that can make it harder for our bodies to make melatonin. In this quick video you will learn this simple, free, effective and scientific way to increase your...
by Dr. Kilcup | Aug 12, 2016 | Articles, Cancer, Home Therapy, Hormone Imbalances, Insomnia
The most natural melatonin is the kind your body makes. Melatonin is a hormone your body makes to help your body relax and sleep. Low melatonin has been to linked to all kinds of bad things like dementia, mood disorders, severe pain, cancer, diabetes type...
by Cari Kilcup | Jun 17, 2016 | Articles, Cari's Corner, Diabetes, Diet, Food Sensitivities, Healthy Living, Home Therapy, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Weight Loss
If you’ve talked to Dr. Kilcup at all about diet, you know that he recommends you cut carbs. Of course, our bodies need carbohydrates. Every food from plants contains carbohydrates, but not all carbs act the same way in our bodies. Those that release sugar...
by Cari Kilcup | Jun 12, 2016 | Articles, Cardiovascular Disease, Cari's Corner, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Diabetes, Diet, Healthy Living, Home Therapy, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Want to know about our family’s kicking the sugar habit? One morning, long ago, I shuffled drowsily into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Standing on a chair, bare except for his diaper, my two-year-old had beat me to the coffee counter and was...
by Dr. Kilcup | Jun 4, 2016 | Articles, Cancer, Diabetes, Healthy Living, Home Therapy, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Weight Loss
An artificial sweetener can be a great way to cut back on calories, and still satisfy that sweet tooth. Are you concerned about the negative health effects of refined sugar, but don’t want to give up your desserts? Are you wondering if there is an artificial...
by Cari Kilcup | Jun 4, 2016 | Articles, Cari's Corner, Diet, Healthy Living, Home Therapy
I was wrong! I was so wrong. I admit it. I considered myself a fairly healthy, health-conscious person. I was married to a chiropractor. I chose home births over hospital births. I took vitamins. Yes, I ate some junk, but I felt it was in moderation. The truth is, I...
by Dr. Kilcup | Feb 11, 2016 | Articles, Chronic Sinusitis, Healthy Living, Home Therapy, Sinus
Do you struggle with Chronic Sinusitis? If you do, it might be due to a lack of this vitamin. We know specifically that if there isn’t enough of this vitamin, the mechanical barrier that lines the sinuses will break down, allowing germs and allergens...
by Dr. Kilcup | Jul 8, 2015 | Articles, Cardiovascular Health, Fatigue, Headaches, Healthy Living, Heavy Metals Toxicity, Home Therapy, Migraines, Toxins And Detox, Weight Loss
I want to share with you my own personal practice and what I consider the best detox to do in the summer. Like it or not, all of us are exposed to harmful toxins everyday. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink and things we touch contain...
by Dr. Kilcup | May 24, 2013 | Articles, Diabetes, Diet, Home Therapy, Weight Loss
I don’t care what the diet is, if you’re going to experience healthy weight loss, there is one thing that must be right. It must get rid of fat. Weight loss can come from losing water, bone or muscle, which obviously is not healthy. The key to weight...
by Dr. Kilcup | Feb 6, 2013 | Articles, Chiropractic, Disk Herniation, Healthy Living, Home Therapy, Neck & Back Pain
Chances are pretty good that if you’re here, you or a loved one is suffering from some kind of back pain. I promise that this article will teach you something that you can use right now to find relief! Keep reading to discover the best at home treatment for...
by Dr. Kilcup | Feb 25, 2012 | Articles, Chiropractic, Home Therapy, Neck & Back Pain
Have you ever been accused of being a dizzy person? Do you or someone you know suffer from the feeling that the whole world is spinning out of control? Have you ever wanted to learn about vertigo? Are you bored out of your mind looking for something to do? If you...
by Dr. Kilcup | Jul 29, 2011 | Articles, Chiropractic, Disk Herniation, Home Therapy, Neck & Back Pain
For the last 26 years I have been treating people with back and neck pain. Besides helping get my patients out of pain, I consider teaching my patients how to prevent their back and neck pain to be my most important job. I spend time each visit with my patients...