
5 ways Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Reduces Chronic Pain

5 ways Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Reduces Chronic Pain

Millions of people worldwide grapple with the profound impact of chronic pain on their quality of life. Traditional treatments often provide only partial relief, prompting patients to seek alternative therapies. One increasingly prominent approach...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Migraines

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Migraines

In a world where migraines can cast a shadow over even the brightest days, a new ray of hope emerges: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for migraines. Discover how this groundbreaking therapy works and its potential to alleviate the throbbing pain...

How to Get Pain Relief without Drugs

How to Get Pain Relief without Drugs

Being in pain ruins the whole day! It takes you away from your loved ones and the things you want to do. Unfortunately, you probably know that all to often pain will take the day, and regular pain killers are not usually enough to fully help. Also,...

Tremendous Change After Addressing ALL of My Issues

Tremendous Change After Addressing ALL of My Issues

I have been going to Dr. Kilcup for several months now and the change has been tremendous. Among other things, I had severe menstrual cramps, migraines, hair loss, exhaustion, anxiety, and brain fog. I had been to several different doctors and they...

The Best Detox to do in the Summer

The Best Detox to do in the Summer

I want to share with you my own personal practice and what I consider the best detox to do in the summer.  Like it or not, all of us are exposed to harmful toxins everyday.  The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink and...

When a “Sinus Infection” is an Intestinal Problem

When a “Sinus Infection” is an Intestinal Problem

Sinus Infections can be extremely frustrating and at times difficult to resolve.  In 2012, I published a post titled "When a “Sinus Infection” is a Neck Problem."  That post has been viewed over 70 thousand times!  Clearly,...

Leaky Gut Syndrome: The Hidden Culprit

Leaky Gut Syndrome: The Hidden Culprit

I can guarantee that you or someone you know is suffering from Leaky Gut Syndrome! Don't believe me?  Here is a list of some of the things that it can cause: Fatigue Fever of unknown origin Abdominal pain or bloating Diarrhea Feelings of...

Migraine Headaches

Migraine Headaches

If you've ever suffered or had someone you care about suffer from migraine headaches, you know just how awful they are.  Understanding what a migraine headache is and its causes is the first step in knowing what can help treat them. Migraine...