Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a very common problem and is associated with many terms.  GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease), heartburn, indigestion and even ulcers are conditions that are often lumped together with acid reflux. My purpose in writing this article is to help people...
What to Do After Taking Antibiotics

What to Do After Taking Antibiotics

What’s the best thing for a person to do after taking antibiotics?  If you’re asking that question, you’re smarter than the average bear!  A lot of people learn the hard way that after taking antibiotics there are certain things that need to be done...


Have you ever been accused of being a dizzy person?  Do you or someone you know suffer from the feeling that the whole world is spinning out of control?  Have you ever wanted to learn about vertigo?  Are you bored out of your mind looking for something to do?  If you...
BMI (body mass index)

BMI (body mass index)

What is Body Mass Index (BMI) you ask?  Well, allow me to explain.  First of all, it is a free service I offer to all of my patients. Body Mass Index is a screening tool that uses your height and weight to evaluate your body fat. Knowing your BMI will give you a...

Broccoli the Magnificent

My daughter Taylor once wrote a paper for her English 101 class about broccoli.  It’s so good that I asked her if we could put it on my website. One of the things that I was most impressed with was just how many incredible health benefits were associated with...