Colic Gone Almost Immediately

Colic Gone Almost Immediately

We took our 3 month old colicky baby to see Dr. Kilcup and my only regret is not taking him sooner. Prior to going to see Dr. Kilcup my baby looked so uncomfortable most of the time. He was extremely fussy and had a cry that was inconsolable at times. We had tried gas...
A Natural Cures for Insomnia

A Natural Cures for Insomnia

I went to Dr. Kilcup originally for a natural cure for insomnia. I would get 1-3 hours of sleep every night at the most. Also, every time I ate I would feel really sick. Obviously I couldn’t stop eating and I needed to sleep eventually so I went to Dr. Kilcup for...
Free from Joint Pain

Free from Joint Pain

When I first visited Dr. Kilcup, I had been struggling for over two years with extreme joint pain and inflammation. I previously visited a number of holistic doctors and specialists looking for answers, but really didn’t find anything that helped. After a few visits...