Gut Health Impacts Skin: Powerful Skin Gastrointestinal Disease Link

by Dr. Kilcup | Sep 18, 2024 | Articles, Digestive Health, eczema, Food Sensitivities, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, teen health

Skin gastrointestinal disease

The health of your skin is more than skin-deep. It’s deeply connected to the health of your gut. Many people don’t realize how intimately skin problems can be linked to gastrointestinal disease.

This connection, known as the gut skin axis, is a growing area of interest in healthcare. It’s reshaping our understanding of skin health and disease.

In this article, we delve into the science behind the gut skin connection. The way gut health can influence skin conditions, from acne to eczema will be explored.

Finally this article will introduce how functional medicine is the key to unlock the gut skin connection.

Whether you’re a healthcare professional, a patient, or simply curious, this article offers valuable insights.

Join us as we unravel the complex relationship between your skin and gut health.

The Gut Skin Axis Explained

The gut-skin axis refers to the bidirectional relationship between the gut and the skin. This means that the health of one can influence the other.

At the heart of this connection is the gut microbiome. This is a complex ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, and viruses living in our gut. It plays a crucial role in our overall health, including our skin health.

The gut microbiome can influence systemic inflammation. This is a key factor in many skin conditions. When the gut microbiome is out of balance, it can trigger inflammation, potentially leading to skin problems.

On the other hand, the skin also has its own microbiome. It acts as a barrier to the outside world and is influenced by internal factors, including gut health.

Understanding the gut-skin axis is not just about managing skin diseases. It’s also about maintaining overall skin wellness. It emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to health and disease management.

How Gastrointestinal Disease Influences Skin Conditions

The gut microbiome can have a significant impact on skin health. This is due to its role in regulating inflammation and immune responses. When the gut microbiome is healthy, it can help maintain skin health.

However, when the gut microbiome is out of balance, it can lead to a state known as dysbiosis. Dysbiosis can trigger systemic inflammation. This inflammation can then manifest on the skin, leading to various skin conditions.

Conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis have been linked to gut health. Research suggests that improving gut health could potentially alleviate these conditions.

The gut-skin connection is complex and involves many factors. These include diet, gut microbes, and immune responses.

Understanding this connection can lead to better diagnostic tools for skin diseases. It can also provide new avenues for treatment.

The Role of Inflammation and Microbiome in the Gastrointestinal disease Skin Connection

Inflammation is a key player in many skin conditions. It’s often triggered by an imbalance in the gut microbiome.

The gut microbiome can influence the body’s immune responses. When it’s out of balance, it can lead to increased inflammation. This inflammation can then affect the skin, leading to conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced gut microbiome is therefore crucial for managing inflammation and promoting skin health.

Common Gastrointestinal diseases and Skin Conditions

Several common skin conditions have been linked to gut health. These include acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

For instance, research has found a link between small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and rosacea. This suggests that gut health can directly influence skin conditions.

Similarly, leaky gut syndrome, where the intestinal lining is compromised, may lead to increased skin inflammation. This can exacerbate conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

Understanding these connections can help in the management of these skin conditions. It can also provide new insights into potential treatments.

Probiotics and Prebiotics: Allies for Skin Health

Probiotics and prebiotics can play a crucial role in maintaining gut health. They can help restore a healthy balance in the gut microbiota. This can have a positive impact on skin health.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help regulate the gut microbiome. They can be found in fermented foods or taken as supplements. Research suggests that specific strains of probiotics may improve skin conditions.

Prebiotics, on the other hand, are food for these beneficial bacteria. They help probiotics thrive in the gut. Including prebiotic-rich foods in your diet can support the gut-skin connection.

Functional Medicine Unlocks the Skin-Gastrointestinal Disease Mystery

Fixing skin issues starts with addressing gut health through thorough testing. Functional Medicine looks at the root causes of issues like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Then, from there we can treat those issues and fix the skin from the inside out. Early detection and management can help prevent and reverse skin issues and autoimmune conditions.

Food Sensitivities

Food sensitivities can trigger inflammation in the body, often manifesting as skin problems like acne, eczema, or rosacea. Common culprits include dairy, gluten, and processed foods, which may aggravate gut health and trigger immune responses. Identifying and eliminating food sensitivities through testing and a personalized elimination diet can help reduce inflammation and improve skin health over time.

Microbiome Dysbiosis

An imbalanced gut microbiome, known as dysbiosis, can contribute to various skin issues. When harmful bacteria outnumber the beneficial ones, it disrupts the gut-skin axis, potentially leading to conditions like psoriasis or eczema. Restoring a healthy balance of gut flora through probiotics, prebiotics, and dietary adjustments can strengthen the immune system and promote clearer, healthier skin.

Fix the Problem: Treatment Options

Fixing the gastrointestinal disease and skin starts with identifying the root problems through functional medicine testing. Treatment is not directed at the symptoms, but at the problems the testing has found. As the underlying problems are fixed both the gut and skin can heal.

This is not a quick fix or easy path to healing. Often functional medicine patients will get worse before they get better. Its important to work with an experienced functional medicine doctor who will guide you through your journey of healing. Functional medicine is not a one size fits all approach and a good doctor will know how to adjust your treatment for you.


Functional Medicine emphasizes the use of targeted supplements to support gut healing and skin health. Supplements like probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin D can help reduce inflammation, support the immune system, and repair the gut lining. Personalized supplementation plans based on specific nutrient deficiencies or hormonal imbalances can provide effective, long-term relief for skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that has been shown to reduce inflammation, boost collagen production, and accelerate wound healing. It is particularly beneficial for treating acne, rosacea, and psoriasis by stimulating cellular repair and reducing redness. Incorporating red light therapy into your treatment plan can help soothe inflamed skin and promote overall healing.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized environment to accelerate healing. For skin conditions, HBOT can reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and enhance collagen production, making it an effective treatment for chronic skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and slow-healing wounds. The increased oxygen levels help the body repair damaged tissues more efficiently and boost immune function.

Start Today!

If you want help healing the relationship between your gut and you skin, please fill out the Functional Medicine new patient form below. That is the best place to start so that you can get the answers to what is causing your symptoms and then get started on fixing them. We can help patients in person or virtually from all over the world.

Need Help in Phoenix, Arizona?

If you are located in Phoenix, Arizona, we can get started with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Red Light Therapy to help you with skin issues and their root causes. Call our office for more information or any questions you have – we are happy to help!

Darrell Kilcup, DC, CFMP

Hi there! I’m Dr. Kilcup. You know that health problem you’ve been dealing with – the one that doctors can’t seem to solve, that’s stealing way too much of your time, energy and joy? I can help you get to the bottom that. I am passionate about using the best of science and nutrition to find and fix root causes of health issues. Start your journey towards healing and relief today.

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I have been using the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for the last few weeks and It has helped me so much. I struggle quite a bit with work related stress. When I'm in the chamber I feel completely relaxed, so much so that I can bring my laptop inside and work without stressing. The calmness I feel in the chamber lasts for the remainder of the day as well. I have found too, the more consistent I am with sessions throughout the week the better I feel. The office staff seems well trained in running the tanks too, so I feel safe. I see Dr. Kilcup as well for my brain and gut health. Until now, I don't think I've ever known what "normal" or "healthy" feels like. Thank you all, sincerely!
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Mike Kutz Avatar
Mike Kutz
9 months ago
Dr. Kilcup is a pleasure to work with. His office is beautiful! I can’t wait to try his hyperbaric chambers!
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Sarina Gomez Avatar
Sarina Gomez
1 year ago
Darrell is highly knowledgeable and really gets to the root of the problem. Unlike a lot of doctors, Darrell doesn't just throw prescriptions at issues. He will test and test - digging for the cause and then working on fixing the issue. He and his staff are professional, courteous, and a joy to be around.
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Kevin Miller Avatar
Kevin Miller
1 year ago
I am very grateful to have found Dr. Kilcup and be his patient for the last couple of years. He has helped me restore my health back after being exposed to toxic mold for years. He helped identify and treat all of my symptoms I was experiencing and address the root problem. I was looking for the right person who could help me heal with natural therapies and supplements and Dr. Kilcup was the perfect fit. Every appointment and session was necessary and one step towards all the progress I made. Dr. Kilcup is a great functional medicine doctor who was also an advocate for my own health and well-being. I never received any care or attention to detail from other Doctors in past experiences except with Dr. Kilcup. Anyone who is seeking a holistic path towards healing or improving their own health should see him.
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Ciara Wakley
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