If you are reading this then it is very likely you or a loved one has Insomnia, Chronic Fatigue, or just isn’t getting enough sleep. And at this point, you probably have also tried just about everything! Some doctors will just prescribe a medication, something you won’t not want to be on – especially not long term. The specialists who could help can have long wait lists that take forever to get in for an appointment. All the while, you are suffering from symptoms like weakened mental health, limited brain function, bodily pain, and more unpleasant side effects – all impairing your regular daily life. The video below goes into how Red Light helps Sleep!
Whether you are experiencing this yourself or are watching a loved one go through this, it is painful. As a Functional Medicine doctor, I am thankful to say that I can offer you specific treatment that is proven time and time again to work! Red Light therapy, also known as Photobiomodulation (PBMT), can have a phenomenal impact on the brain and in turn help with getting longer deeper sleep.
See the Video to see how Red Light Helps Sleep:
I also wrote an article with more information, patient experiences, and real scientific studies to back it up. It goes into just some of the different studies that have been conducted that have shown wonderful results, even in patients with traumatic brain injuries! This therapy is safe, cost-effective, and genuinely proven to work. I implore you to try it if you struggle with insomnia and fatigue. It’s time to start sleeping better!
Schedule your first appointment or call our office at (602) 864-0304. Our UNLIMITED plan is the best for patients looking for real results and it is only $49.95 a month. Recommended use is 1-3 times a week and sessions only take fifteen minutes. Patients usually see results after consistent use for 2-3 months, but some notice immediate benefits. Now you can finally sleep better without medication!
Don’t live close enough to come in person? No worries! You can also order an At-Home Red Light device with lights just as powerful as the ones we have here in the office – but in a small hand-held device. Find those devices and Use code Dr.Kilcup5% to save 5%