


In part 2 of a "Functional Medicine Approach to PMS," I am going to cover the connection between adrenal function and female hormones. PMS is a term that is used to describe a collection of signs and symptoms that occur sometime between ovulation...

I Never Saw Any Results after Visiting Other Doctors . . .

I Never Saw Any Results after Visiting Other Doctors . . .

I honestly don’t have any idea what life would be like for me had my family not met Dr. Kilcup. Not only is Dr. Kilcup the best chiropractor we have ever visited, but he is helping me with my other health problems as well. It’s still a work in...

Chiropractic Care: Worth a 45 Minute Drive!

Chiropractic Care: Worth a 45 Minute Drive!

I’ve been a patient of Dr. Kilcup for about 10 years and always leave feeling considerably better. It’s a 45 minute drive to get there from my house but it is well worth the time and effort and I wouldn’t even consider getting chiropractic care...

Thyroid Returned to Normal Function

We have known and been treated by Darrell since his early days in practice. He has been gifted with the ideal combination of wisdom/insight and a genuine interest in the health of his patients and is faithful to use the gifts he has been given. In...

Dr. Kilcup Acts with the Highest Integrity

Dr. Kilcup Acts with the Highest Integrity

It is without hesitation that I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Kilcup! In 2002, I visited Dr. Kilcup for the first time and within a short period of time my issues were significantly better. Dr. Kilcup cares deeply about his patients and it is very...

Dr. Kilcup Listened & Discovered Root Cause

Dr. Kilcup Listened & Discovered Root Cause

I was referred to Dr. Kilcup as many of my coworkers go to his office. Once I arrived for the first time, I realized that Dr. Kilcup is not your average doctor. He listens to his patients and most importantly, he actually cares. He completed a...

Pain Free After Years of Neck & Back Problems

Pain Free After Years of Neck & Back Problems

I have had back and neck issues for a lot of years and had gone to many Chiropractor’s and one common among them was they would get you in, “crack you up” and get you out the door. I never really felt they were trying to actually correct the...

Colic Gone Almost Immediately

Colic Gone Almost Immediately

We took our 3 month old colicky baby to see Dr. Kilcup and my only regret is not taking him sooner. Prior to going to see Dr. Kilcup my baby looked so uncomfortable most of the time. He was extremely fussy and had a cry that was inconsolable at...

A Natural Cures for Insomnia

A Natural Cures for Insomnia

I went to Dr. Kilcup originally for a natural cure for insomnia. I would get 1-3 hours of sleep every night at the most. Also, every time I ate I would feel really sick. Obviously I couldn’t stop eating and I needed to sleep eventually so I went to...

Tremendous Change After Addressing ALL of My Issues

Tremendous Change After Addressing ALL of My Issues

I have been going to Dr. Kilcup for several months now and the change has been tremendous. Among other things, I had severe menstrual cramps, migraines, hair loss, exhaustion, anxiety, and brain fog. I had been to several different doctors and they...

Free from Joint Pain

Free from Joint Pain

When I first visited Dr. Kilcup, I had been struggling for over two years with extreme joint pain and inflammation. I previously visited a number of holistic doctors and specialists looking for answers, but really didn’t find anything that helped....

The Best Detox to do in the Summer

The Best Detox to do in the Summer

I want to share with you my own personal practice and what I consider the best detox to do in the summer.  Like it or not, all of us are exposed to harmful toxins everyday.  The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink and...

When a “Sinus Infection” is an Intestinal Problem

When a “Sinus Infection” is an Intestinal Problem

Sinus Infections can be extremely frustrating and at times difficult to resolve.  In 2012, I published a post titled "When a “Sinus Infection” is a Neck Problem."  That post has been viewed over 70 thousand times!  Clearly,...

How Toxic Emotions Are Making You Sick and How To Detox From Them

How Toxic Emotions Are Making You Sick and How To Detox From Them

What are toxic emotions? Take a second to think about a time when someone did something that wasn't nice to you. Oh yeah, you remember that jerk! As you are experiencing this unpleasant memory, have you noticed that your heart is beating a little...

Leaky Gut Syndrome: The Hidden Culprit

Leaky Gut Syndrome: The Hidden Culprit

I can guarantee that you or someone you know is suffering from Leaky Gut Syndrome! Don't believe me?  Here is a list of some of the things that it can cause: Fatigue Fever of unknown origin Abdominal pain or bloating Diarrhea Feelings of...

Migraine Headaches

Migraine Headaches

If you've ever suffered or had someone you care about suffer from migraine headaches, you know just how awful they are.  Understanding what a migraine headache is and its causes is the first step in knowing what can help treat them. Migraine...