The dangers of mercury poisoning are real. It can be confusing knowing what is safe to eat, especially when it comes to fish, in regard to what contains mercury. Which is obviously very frustrating when a person is trying to eat fish to be healthy!
Today I found this great infographic on about which fish are ok to eat and which ones to avoid. The information is consistent with the research I have seen about mercury in fish, and the risk of mercury poisoning. The fish with the highest levels listed, and that you probably want to avoid, are swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tuna. You can also find recommendations for how often you can eat those that might have higher levels safely.
If you eat a meal with fish that is high in mercury, there is actually something really easy you can do to reduce the amount of mercury the body absorbs. Eating organic strawberries (conventional ones are high in pesticides), cilantro, or taking a chlorella supplement with the fish, will help prevent mercury from absorbing in the body.
So, all that to say, eat the fish! They are full of valuable nutrients that are essential for good health. Just try to avoid the ones that are going to be high in mercury. If you are concerned about your health and wonder if you might have mercury poisoning from eating too much seafood, or from having mercury fillings, we can help! Please contact our office if you would like to get to the root of your health concerns today.