Depression is a serious mental illness that impacts millions of Americans everyday. It is a sad and troubling statistic that 2.5 million youth in the U.S. have severe depression. While there are steps being made to help combat this growing issue, in most cases people are left untreated or given some sort of antidepressant. The side-effects of antidepressants can include anxiety, nausea, weight gain, fatigue, and more. Worse, while getting on and off these medications, many patients experience suicidal thoughts or actions. However, there is depression help with no medication out there, and it’s called Photobiomodulation (PBM) – or Red Light Therapy.
Depression Help with No Medication
– Studies –
In a patient case study, 20 PBM sessions over two months resulted in decreased depression, anxiety, headaches, and insomnia. At the same time the patient’s cognition and quality of life improved. This was a patient with a traumatic brain injury! Read more about it.
From a Mayo Clinic review of PBM studies: “For the first time in medical interventions, a non-pharmacological, non-invasive, well-tolerated, easy to perform, free of significant side effects and cost-effective treatment may achieve what virtually all AD treatments in the past have been unable to accomplish. PBM has been used in a number of neurological conditions including Parkinson’s disease, depression, traumatic brain injury, and stroke with diverse reported benefits.” This brief review examines the impact of PBM and confirmed that it was indeed an effective and powerful treatment for depression and other brain-related problems.
A 2021 study about treating opioid cravings found that PBM was not only an effective and safe treatment for opioid cravings, but as well for depression and anxiety. Read more here on PubMed.
And there are even MORE studies and reviews on this subject! We have only begun to scratch the surface of what this amazing treatment can do.
Help with Postpartum Depression
Here’s a testimony from one of our patients. “I started using red light therapy shortly after giving birth to my second child. I was desperate to head off any postpartum depression this time around since I struggled with it with my first. It has even helped out my hormones so much! I’ve used it for a month so far, going on two and truly I feel amazing. I haven’t been as tired even though my sleep is terrible and I feel in control of my crashing pregnancy hormones. This has truly been a God send for me!!”
Get Started
While medications work for some people, there is no denying that those drugs have side effects. Red Light therapy has no side effects – only side benefits like fat loss, skin health (wrinkles, scars, acne), reduced pain, less fatigue and MORE! It is safe, takes little time, and is proven to work with regular sessions. Regular use looks like 10 minute sessions 3-5 times a week for approximately 2-3 months. A lot of patients report benefits after even just one session!
If you want to try Red Light therapy in our office, we are located in Phoenix, Arizona. We have two full body panels that you stand between for full body exposure. We have an UNLIMITED plan for $49.95 a month – Get Scheduled Here. If you don’t live close enough to come in-person, you can purchase a handheld Red Light device and use code Dr.Kilcup5% for 5% off. It has the same lights we use in the office, just in a smaller at-home device!
Call the office at (602) 864-0304 if you have any questions.