Hair loss impacts most people at some point during their lifetime, and in the US $3.5 billion is spent every year on treating hair loss. There are hair transplant surgeries, wigs, toupees, and tons of products that claim to improve hair growth. Is there a way to get your hair looking like it used to without surgery or head coverings? Is there a way to improve hair loss naturally? Well, Photobiomodulation (PBM) – also known as Red Light therapy – has had amazing research done that shows real hair growth results.

What Can You Do to Improve Hair Loss Naturally?
Originally, PBM was found to help hair growth during a study on the safety of red light on mice. The red light produced no adverse effects, and actually helped grow back the hair on the mice that had been shaved. Since then, more tests and research have been done to confirm the results – and the answer is yes! Photobiomodulation can help promote hair growth with regular sessions. Regular sessions are 3-5 times a week for 1-2 months to start seeing results – although some patients start to notice results like increased energy and better sleep after the first session! Sessions only last 5-15 minutes and continued use of PBM will build upon itself and help heal the body.
Get scheduled today! We are located in Phoenix, Arizona, but if you can’t come in person, you can get your own handheld Red Light device HERE.
Percentage of Men with MPHL / Pub Med
Photobiomodulation and Hair Loss / National Library of Medicine
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici and Jolee G. at FreeDigitalPhotos.net