Cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eye, and age-related decline can all impact your eyesight and overall quality of life. These problems are usually solved with expensive and invasive surgery or you are told they can’t be fixed. However, is a way to improve your eye health without surgery or breaking the bank. It is Photobiomodulation (PBM), more commonly known as Red Light therapy.
PBM has been around for over 50 years, but has been gaining more attention because of the amazing results it achieves. It can help with diabetic treatment, headaches, stroke recovery, skin health (wrinkles, acne, scarring), and so much more. In addition to those ground breaking results, we see amazing results when PBM is used for eye health. It is a fraction of the cost of laser treatment and does not have the warnings or side effects that we see with other treatment options.

Backed by Scientific Research
One test showed that, “when people received one treatment … their performance on the color contrast test improved by 12 to 17 percent, compared with before the treatment.” Color contrast becomes weaker as we age, but with PBM it can be reversed! Even macular degeneration and eyesight loss due to diabetes can be greatly improved with regular PBM sessions. In another study, they found that 97% of the treated patients who had cataracts experienced better visual clarity. As they continue to do trials with PBM, there have been no adverse effects and a ton of benefits in every area in the body.
How can you achieve this level of eye health without surgery? It’s simple! Regularly, 3-5 times a week, do the 10 minute treatment. Treatment is not painful or invasive, and can be done with your eyes closed – literally. Results can be seen as soon as 1-2 months. Get scheduled today – Phoenix, AZ. If you are not close enough to come in to get full body PBM, you can order a hand-held option HERE.