One of the most overlooked causes of fibrocystic breasts is a lack of iodine. Fibrocystic breast disease is a common condition affecting about 70% of women at some point in their life (study on cyclical mastalgia).
What Does Iodine Have to do With Fibrocystic Breasts?
Apart from the thyroid, the ovaries and breasts have the highest concentrations of iodine in the body. Iodine is needed in the breasts both as an antioxidant and for proper estrogen function (research on iodine’s role in antioxidant defense). Without enough iodine, breast tissue is more susceptible to oxidation, a common way many diseases start. This includes fibrocystic breast disease and even cancer (evidence linking iodine and breast diseases) (dietary iodine and cancer risks).
Iodine is also crucial for proper estrogen balance. There are three forms of estrogen: estriol, estrone, and estradiol. When iodine levels are low, the body overproduces estrone and estradiol while producing too little estriol. This plays an important role in preventing fibrocystic breasts and breast cancer (research on estrogen and breast cancer).
Don’t I Get Plenty of Iodine from my Diet?
Unless you’re eating a very traditional Japanese diet, probably not. Japanese women have very low rates of fibrocystic breasts and breast cancer. In addition to eating foods high in iodine, like seaweed, Japanese women are not exposed to as much bromine and fluoride as American women. Bromine and fluoride compete with iodine in the body. If a person is already low in iodine and consumes bromine (present in most American flour, but not in Japan), the bromine occupies the “space” intended for iodine (more on the effects of chemicals on thyroid function).
Over time, bromine levels increase, and even after adding iodine, it may take months to replace the bromine with the necessary iodine. Interestingly, many still believe the body only needs a small amount of iodine and that higher levels can cause thyroid issues. While it’s true that supplementing with iodine can be dangerous if cofactors like selenium, iron, or magnesium are insufficient, in Japan, women often consume far more iodine in their diets than the RDA in America, yet thyroid disease in Japan is among the lowest in the world (data on Japanese iodine intake and thyroid health).
Is there any research that shows iodine helps fibrocystic breasts?
Yes! Studies clearly show that not only is iodine a safe and effective treatment for fibrocystic breasts, but the form of iodine also makes a big difference (research on iodine replacement) (supraphysiologic levels of iodine) (micronutrients and thyroid disorders) (animal study on iodine and fibrocystic disease) (research on iodine and mammary cancer).
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If I Have Fibrocystic Breasts Should I Take Iodine?
No! Before adding iodine it’s important to find out several things. Is there actually a need for iodine? Are there toxins like bromine, fluoride or chlorine? Are there sufficient levels of selenium, iron and magnesium? The answers to all these questions will ensure that the therapy works great and there are no problems.
What Are My Treatment Options for Fibrocystic Breasts?
Look, the standard medical approach to fibrocystic breast disease is not healthy. Birth control pills, and various drugs are the typical treatments, and none of them are actually healthy or do anything to fix the problem that causes fibrocystic breasts. As you can see from this article, the functional medicine approach is to look for the root of the problem and fix it. If you want to take a functional medicine approach I can help you. Regardless of where you live, schedule a “Get Acquainted” visit today and let’s get to the root of your fibrocystic breast disease!