
The KEY to Weight Loss

The KEY to Weight Loss

I don't care what the diet is, if you're going to experience healthy weight loss, there is one thing that must be right. It must get rid of fat.  Weight loss can come from losing water, bone or muscle, which obviously is not healthy.  The key to...

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a very common problem and is associated with many terms.  GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease), heartburn, indigestion and even ulcers are conditions that are often lumped together with acid reflux. My purpose in writing this...

What to Do After Taking Antibiotics

What to Do After Taking Antibiotics

What's the best thing for a person to do after taking antibiotics?  If you're asking that question, you're smarter than the average bear!  A lot of people learn the hard way that after taking antibiotics there are certain things that need to be...

Best at Home Treatment for Back Pain

Best at Home Treatment for Back Pain

Chances are pretty good that if you're here, you or a loved one is suffering from some kind of back pain.  I promise that this article will teach you something that you can use right now to find relief! Keep reading to discover the best at home...

I Have a Confession to Make

I Have a Confession to Make

I have a breakfast addiction.  It started innocently enough around a month ago. All I wanted was a tasty, healthy, and convenient breakfast that gave me lots of nutrients that I don't get in my diet elsewhere. I had been looking for something like...



Have you ever been accused of being a dizzy person?  Do you or someone you know suffer from the feeling that the whole world is spinning out of control?  Have you ever wanted to learn about vertigo?  Are you bored out of your mind looking for...

BMI (body mass index)

BMI (body mass index)

What is Body Mass Index (BMI) you ask?  Well, allow me to explain.  First of all, it is a free service I offer to all of my patients. Body Mass Index is a screening tool that uses your height and weight to evaluate your body fat. Knowing your BMI...

Broccoli the Magnificent: The Superfood You Need

“Jimmy! You may not leave the table until you finish your broccoli!” This resounding mandate, or the memory of it, spoken by many loving mothers, strikes fear into the heart of broccoli haters everywhere. It is unfortunate that so many people are...

How to Fix Your Back and Neck Pain

How to Fix Your Back and Neck Pain

For the last 26 years I have been treating people with back and neck pain.  Besides helping get my patients out of pain, I consider teaching my patients how to prevent their back and neck pain to be my most important job.  I spend time each visit...

Demystifying Back Pain Treatment

Demystifying Back Pain Treatment

As a chiropractor, I sometimes hear my patients tell me that they started a new exercise to help their back pain only to discover that the exercise made the pain worse.  Why would exercise make one person's back pain better but hurt someone else? ...

Appendicitis: How to Tell if Your Child has It

Appendicitis: How to Tell if Your Child has It

Imagine one of your kids is sick with a fever, tummy ache, and vomiting.  Would you know if he had appendicitis?  Could you recognize appendicitis symptoms? Would you know whether you should take him to the hospital?  If you aren't sure, watch this...

How to Choose the Best Exercise for YOU!

How to Choose the Best Exercise for YOU!

Finding the right exercise is not always easy.  Often, I see people in my office who have quit exercising because they had a bad experience or were unable to stick with it for a variety of reasons.  Often my patients have a very narrow view of what...

How can You get real Allergy Relief?

How can You get real Allergy Relief?

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, and your nose runs like a faucet during that time of year, and you're sick of taking drugs to get allergy relief, I've got some really great news for you.  Allow me to introduce you to the Neti Pot, a...

Pistachios and Cholesterol

Pistachios and Cholesterol

Did you know that there is an amazing and beneficial connection between pistachios and cholesterol?  There has been a number of excellent studies that show that eating one to two one-ounce servings of pistachios a day will lower LDL (the bad...

Dance Your Pain Away While Sitting!

Dance Your Pain Away While Sitting!

Sitting is really hard on your back and neck.  In fact, I can't think of any daily activity that causes more problems than sitting.  The other day I had a lot of computer work to do, so I decided to...