
Practicing What I Preach

Practicing What I Preach

Have you ever been to a doctor that gave you advice that he or she was obviously not following.  In my opinion that's just not right.  I believe that as someone people are looking to for help in getting healthy, I need to not just be knowledgeable...

A Crucial Vitamin For Chronic Sinusitis

A Crucial Vitamin For Chronic Sinusitis

Do you struggle with Chronic Sinusitis? If you do, it might be due to a lack of this vitamin. We know specifically that if there isn't enough of this vitamin, the mechanical barrier that lines the sinuses will break down, allowing germs...

How to Treat Depression Without Medication

How to Treat Depression Without Medication

Depression, like any disease, has a root cause, and it’s not a lack of medication. To help you treat depression without medication, I’ve identified six common causes of depression. These categories are designed to simplify the process because I...

13 Effective and Natural Flu Remedies

13 Effective and Natural Flu Remedies

Are you looking for effective natural flu remedies? Here are two herbs that were tested to see if they were as effective as the drug Tamiflu.  So what two herbs do you think test more effective than Tamiflu in a December 2015 study?...

What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

If you google "what causes irritable bowel syndrome" you will find many websites that say the cause is unknown.  One of the reasons "the cause" for irritable bowel syndrome is "not known" is that this diagnosis is so general that many conditions...

The Best Detox to do in the Summer

The Best Detox to do in the Summer

I want to share with you my own personal practice and what I consider the best detox to do in the summer.  Like it or not, all of us are exposed to harmful toxins everyday.  The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink and...

A Cause of PCOS and its Cure

A Cause of PCOS and its Cure

PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is one of the most common hormone disorders in women.  In this article you will learn a very common cause of PCOS and how it can be cured.  First off, let's get a good understanding of what PCOS is and...

Phthalates Can Make You Fat and Sick!

Phthalates Can Make You Fat and Sick!

I bet you never guessed that a skin moisturizer or that delicious Salmon dinner could be loaded with a toxin that can make you fat and sick.  Phthalates are the #1 pollutant we have in our bodies, and they can make you fat and sick!  Here is a...

Leaky Gut Syndrome: The Hidden Culprit

Leaky Gut Syndrome: The Hidden Culprit

I can guarantee that you or someone you know is suffering from Leaky Gut Syndrome! Don't believe me?  Here is a list of some of the things that it can cause: Fatigue Fever of unknown origin Abdominal pain or bloating Diarrhea Feelings of...

Do You Offer Virtual Care?

Do You Offer Virtual Care?

I can hear you, “How can you fix my back over the internet?”. That's an excellent question, and you’re right, I can’t physically fix your back without getting my hands on you.  It's very frustrating when I know if I could just see the patient in...

Why I Don’t Accept Most Insurance

Why I Don’t Accept Most Insurance

Believe me when I say I wish I could take all insurance.  If you are reading this but haven’t called the office to see if your insurance has benefits for us, please call.  There are still insurance policies that we are happy to accept.  I know...

How can an Ear Infection be a Neck Problem?

How can an Ear Infection be a Neck Problem?

If you, or someone you know, have ever had an ear infection, you know how painful they can be.  In this article I will explain how one type of ear infection is caused by a neck problem. There are 3 places an Ear Infection can Happen. The first...