Functional Medicine

The Gut-Bone Connection Simplified

The Gut-Bone Connection Simplified

Unlocking the secrets of the gut's impact on overall health reveals a complex and interconnected system within the body. From mild digestive discomfort to chronic conditions like Crohn's disease, the gut plays a crucial role in nutrient absorption....

Power of Functional Medicine: Truth about Pharmaceuticals

Power of Functional Medicine: Truth about Pharmaceuticals

In the complex world of pharmaceuticals, where profit margins often take precedence over patient well-being, many are asking for change. One such person is former pharmaceutical sales representative turned whistleblower, Gwen Olsen. She is exposing...

Fibromyalgia Treatment: 3 Proven Unique Alternatives

Fibromyalgia Treatment: 3 Proven Unique Alternatives

Living with fibromyalgia can be incredibly challenging, with its persistent pain, fatigue, and cognitive difficulties deeply impacting daily life. Effective fibromyalgia treatment requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of...

Is Functional Medicine Good for Children?

Is Functional Medicine Good for Children?

The short answer is, YES! In our practice, Functional Medicine has helped many children with health issues like unexplained rashes, eczema, diarrhea, constipation, intense abdomen pain, extreme allergies and colic. Functional Medicine for children...



Let me tell you something that will blow your mind! As a functional medicine doctor, here's what I changed when the Coronavirus hit: NOTHING! Yeah, that's right! I continued to do the same things I did before the virus. From my perspective, my...

Eczema Treatment | A Functional Medicine Approach

Eczema Treatment | A Functional Medicine Approach

Eczema Treatment | A Functional Medicine Approach Eczema treatment from a functional medicine perspective is all about finding the cause. I don't treat my patients' eczema; I look for the cause of the eczema and fix it. In this article I will go...

Osteoporosis – A Functional Medicine Approach

Osteoporosis – A Functional Medicine Approach

Would you believe that 50% of Americans over age 50, mostly women, have some level of osteoporosis, which leads to 1.5 million fractures a year?[1.] That's just stupid crazy! Hey folks, we have a real...

Lyme | A Functional Medicine Approach

Lyme | A Functional Medicine Approach

I could not believe my eyes when my wife's Lyme test came back positive. I had been taught that Lyme disease is very rare in Arizona, only transmitted by ticks, and that a bulls eye rash would be seen with an infected bite. Like so many things I...



In part 2 of a "Functional Medicine Approach to PMS," I am going to cover the connection between adrenal function and female hormones. PMS is a term that is used to describe a collection of signs and symptoms that occur sometime between ovulation...

I Never Saw Any Results after Visiting Other Doctors . . .

I Never Saw Any Results after Visiting Other Doctors . . .

I honestly don’t have any idea what life would be like for me had my family not met Dr. Kilcup. Not only is Dr. Kilcup the best chiropractor we have ever visited, but he is helping me with my other health problems as well. It’s still a work in...

Dr. Kilcup Listened & Discovered Root Cause

Dr. Kilcup Listened & Discovered Root Cause

I was referred to Dr. Kilcup as many of my coworkers go to his office. Once I arrived for the first time, I realized that Dr. Kilcup is not your average doctor. He listens to his patients and most importantly, he actually cares. He completed a...

Free from Joint Pain

Free from Joint Pain

When I first visited Dr. Kilcup, I had been struggling for over two years with extreme joint pain and inflammation. I previously visited a number of holistic doctors and specialists looking for answers, but really didn’t find anything that helped....

What is Functional Medicine?

What is Functional Medicine?

A Functional Medicine Doctor is like a Detective If you're the kind of person who values optimal health, not being dependent on drugs, and preventing chronic disease, and when you don't feel good you want to find the cause of the problem...